50% off on custom orders. Limited time only!
50% off on custom orders. Limited time only!
At MyPerfectPaper.net, we understand the importance of affordability. However, we also understand that the cost reflects skillful and expert writing. That's why we offer a pricing structure that aligns with our commitment to delivering exceptional academic writing.
Unlike some “cheap” online writing options, we never compromise on the quality and timeliness of your work.
Crafting high-quality academic content is a hard and time-consuming task. It demands the ability to effectively structure ideas, convey arguments, and present information in a coherent and engaging way. Our writers possess the skills necessary to meet these demands.
It also reflects in our pricing. Our pricing is based on a value-driven approach. We firmly stand by our guiding principle: to provide you with the best possible academic writing for your project.
We guarantee to meet it or beat it.
We never come up short.
We don’t “under-write” or “over-write.”
High School
$11.00 / page
1 page ~ 300 words.College/University
$18.59 / page
1 page ~ 300 words.Masters/MBA
$23.14 / page
1 page ~ 300 words.PHD
$25.43 / page
1 page ~ 300 words.Note
1. For standard projects, we deliver approximately 300 words per page, double-spaced, Times New Roman font in size 12pt.
2. Other formats (scripts, speeches, PowerPoint, mathematical calculations), per page charges may vary slightly.
so you get upto 20% more value
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